Wednesday, November 11, 2009


This poster was used during WWII . It was suppose to convince people to not ride alone and to conserve gas. They were saying that everyone was doing it because they didn't want to be "riding with Hitler" or supporting Germany. So, in a way, joining a car-sharing club would show that they didn't support Germany at all.

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In this ad, Shaq tells how he always uses Icy Hot after long, hard games. He guarantees that if it works for him then it will work for anyone. Shaq is a very known person so that is why they use him as their spokesperson. The company believes that most people will believe him.
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There are many ads about animals that need to be saved, like this poster. This particular ad doesn't want you to get animals from anywhere except a shelter. On their website they tell about how you should never buy a puppy at a pet store or on the internet. They believe that puppy mills aren't right (which they aren't). This ad is emotional because they make you feel sad about puppies and it makes you want to adopt one.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Law Abiding Citizen

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So, Devin and I went to see Law Abiding Citizen the other night. It is probably one of my favorite movies now. Gerard Butler is always(: We weren't too sure what was going to happen throughout the movie, but the ending was really surprising. At least I thought it was. I would definetly go see it again.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today, we are starting to write our Retirement speech. I have chosen to write mine about Tanna because she is just so amazing (and she's writing about me)! I'm not sure about what to write yet though.

I can't wait for school to be over already. It is going so slow today. I'm going to go to Devin's house later since he had a car wreck yesterday. He broke his ankle and a rib. I'm hoping he gets better a lot sooner than they think he will. He should be having surgery on his ankle in a couple of hours.

Well, that is all right now. Bye(:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pictures that describe me

I picked a collage of shoes because I love shoes. Also, I would love to have all these shoes in all of these colors. I especially like the purple ones.

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I picked a picture of volleyball players because volleyball is my favorite sport. This pictured shows what volleyball players do when they play. I like how it shows all of the motions.

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This is a puppy that looks like my puppy, Jack. I picked this picture because it looks just like him. The only difference is that Jack has a white stripe down his chest and white on his feet.

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This is potato soup. It is my favorite food in the whole wide world. My best friend and I love to eat potato soup all the time. I'm pretty sure we could eat it everyday. Our favorite potato soup is from O'Charley's though.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

About me

Hi, I'm Lindsey and this is my first blog for this English class. I love to play basketball and volleyball. Most weekends I go out with my boyfriend or my friends. I have a puppy named Jack. He is a black Lab and Great Dane mix. I probably have a hundred pairs of shoes or more. I don't wear half of them either. I may wear them once or twice and then not like them anymore. Others I like to wear all the time. My favorite subject in school is history. The college I would love to go to is Duke, but I'll probably end up going to a school around here. I would like to become an athletic trainer or a history teacher when I get older. My favorite color is purple or yellow. I'm not quite sure. So, that is pretty much the basics about me for now. Bye(: