Monday, August 24, 2009

About me

Hi, I'm Lindsey and this is my first blog for this English class. I love to play basketball and volleyball. Most weekends I go out with my boyfriend or my friends. I have a puppy named Jack. He is a black Lab and Great Dane mix. I probably have a hundred pairs of shoes or more. I don't wear half of them either. I may wear them once or twice and then not like them anymore. Others I like to wear all the time. My favorite subject in school is history. The college I would love to go to is Duke, but I'll probably end up going to a school around here. I would like to become an athletic trainer or a history teacher when I get older. My favorite color is purple or yellow. I'm not quite sure. So, that is pretty much the basics about me for now. Bye(:


Simsbumponablog said...

Good grief! Why do you buy so many shoes!? Your puppy sounds adorable!

Simsbumponablog said...

Nice job on your links. I need to read your partner comments yet, so I'll be back to leave a grade.

Simsbumponablog said...

I'm back. Good job on your comments. Apparently you guys are friends, which always helps, doesn't it?!

Grade: A

Chris said...

One hundred pairs of shoes? I love shoes personally. But I would never have one hundred pairs, mostly because I am insufficiently funded to obtain so many. I love to go into shoe stores and just look at them. I bet your room smells like a shoe store, doesn't it? That alone would be worth spending hundreds of dollars to buy that many shoes. I wonder if they make "New Shoe Air Fresheners"...That would be a lot easier on the wallet if one wanted their room to smell like that.