Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pictures that describe me

I picked a collage of shoes because I love shoes. Also, I would love to have all these shoes in all of these colors. I especially like the purple ones.

Picture from:

I picked a picture of volleyball players because volleyball is my favorite sport. This pictured shows what volleyball players do when they play. I like how it shows all of the motions.

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This is a puppy that looks like my puppy, Jack. I picked this picture because it looks just like him. The only difference is that Jack has a white stripe down his chest and white on his feet.

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This is potato soup. It is my favorite food in the whole wide world. My best friend and I love to eat potato soup all the time. I'm pretty sure we could eat it everyday. Our favorite potato soup is from O'Charley's though.

Picture from:


Simsbumponablog said...

Good selection of photos, layout and descriptions. I have not had potato soup in years. Love your puppy! I would have called him Skunky.

Grade: A

Love your new template. Perfect for you!

Kels said...

Those shoes are supperrr cute! :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your background! Those shoes are amazing. I wish I had a pair. I love potato soup, too. I think we should see if the school will serve potato soup. It probably wouldn't be as nice as eating homemade potato soup, but it'd be better than "fish on bun". :]